Access Universal Consciousness
With the Empowering Tools of Access Consciousness®
"Aham Brahmasmi" - A Mahavakya in Sanskrit, the essence of which is that
The core of my being is the ultimate reality, the root and ground of the Universe, the Source of All that Exists!

Radiant Relationships
Harmonizing with Allowance and Gratitude!
Are you willing to have the peace of joy and the joy
of peace in your relationships instead of the trauma,
drama and insanity that most people choose in this
The definition of "relationship" is the distance
between two points. Communion is an awareness
of all things and the Oneness that we all are. Do you
have communion with yourself and your body? You
can't begin to truly have a conscious relationship with another until you're in communion with yourself. And to be in communion with yourself, you must be conscious. How many people do you know who are truly happy in their relationships? What if there was a whole new relationship paradigm available to you that is far more joyful? If you are ready for a RELATIONSHIP REVOLUTION & re-light the spark in your relationships you might consider joining me for this class!